Sunday 29 November 2015

Planning : Target Audience Feedback



We used survey monkey to get feedback for our horror movie from our target audience. This is 9 questions what we thought of to help us understand what our target audience experts in any horror. By doing this it will allow us, to when filming it and planning it out, understand what our target audience would like when seeing our horror opening. As you can see below we asked questions which asked for their answers to them in writing so we can get feedback from them and to see what people response are.

This first question shows us the age range of people that took the survey. This information helps us decide what ages we need to try to attract to our film. 
The second question asked what they would expect in a opening of a horror film. Most of the results mention jump scares and death.
The third question ask what horror films do you like and the most common choices are ghost films.
Question four mentions what would scare you the most in a horror film and yet again the popular response was jump scares. 

We asked if people liked cliff-hangers in question five and the highest percent of people say yes. We will use this information as it clearly shows that cliff-hangers are interesting and we should use it. 
Question six describes two different question about how someone would make there own horror opening. From this there was a range of different clever responses that we could eventually use. 
In question seven we asked about where is the best location for a horror film to be set. The answer woods came up twice and all the rest are different locations so setting the film in the woods would be a good choice for us. 
Question eight we asked the viewers to read our pitch and then tell us if they think it will be successful. Four people said yes and the rest said no or its boring, so from this we need to change the story a bit to make it more interesting.

Question nine was our last question asked. We final asked if there was anything they would added to make the film better. From this we need to add a twist and make the opening unique.

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