Thursday 26 November 2015

Planning : From Initial Ideas To A 60 Second Pitch

Initial Ideas to Pitch


This is how we began our planning for our Main Task by planning out the whole film. For this we wrote down all of the basic ideas what we had. We then discussed all of our ideas and then picked the best ones and went forward with them ideas but evaluate them in detail. As you can see from the notes below we broke them up in 3 different part of the 60 second pitch in which we had to have a brief idea of the entire film without giving too much away. To have an idea we looked at different pitches online but also how to do the perfect pitch. This helped us with how to present our film idea without giving to much away. Our overall pitch is below, which starts at 1:37.
Picture of our group planning the ideas

Our ideas 

Our ideas


 I wasn't in the video or the pictures because I was not able to attend these lesson so I missed out on planning the ideas. I have spoken to my group and I am up to date.

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