Sunday 22 November 2015

Research: The Importance Of Sound In Horror Films

Sound In Horror Films


This research will help me and my group create our opening horror film as it explains and shows us how effective sound is in a horror film. We will use this knowledge to help us pick out what atmosphere we want to make and what effect the music gives though-out the opening. 

Sound is a vital element of any film and the way it is used helps the audience feel connected throughout the different scene in any genre to sets the scene for the audience and creates the atmosphere. sound is especially a key element in horror films. In horror films there are diegetic sound, which is sound which is within the film such as, a characters speech, window shutting, door opening etc. But also non-diegetic sound which is sound added when editing the scene to create the tension and cause suspense on the audience. This video clip below shows that the use of sounds in horror movies is extremely important.

Prof Daniel Blumstein, who led the study at the University of California, Los Angeles, studied the soundtracks of 102 of the world's most popular movies. From war films and dramas, to horror movies and adventure films.
The study, which involved composer Peter Kaye at Kingston University, London, looked at the music in films, as well as special effects and screams. The analysis showed that horror films had the most noisy female screams while adventure films had the most screams from men. Horror films also had an higher than expected number of abrupt shifts up and down in pitch, he reported in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters.
Dramatic films had fewer than expected screams and lower pitched sounds than other genre of movie.
The study concluded that the use of these non-linear sounds was not random, but used to 'enhance the emotional impact of scenes'

A example of these effects are displayed in the film 'The Shining'

The harsh Non- Diegetic sound violin is so important as it creates the sound of a swam of wasps which makes the scene much more intense and full of a uncomfortable atmosphere.With out these sounds the scene would be silly and bland.

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