Friday 8 April 2016

Construction: Considering Titles




We have decided to overlap the titles over the footage to insure that the end result of the opening is more visually appealing. We had to consider the layouts, fonts, sizing and colour to make sure that we pick the best compositions that makes the opening look creepy and interesting. For all titles we kept the same colour which is white, this colour symbolises the girls white dress and that she is everywhere within the film.

We started by experimenting with the title 'A film produced by' in Photoshop. We were interested in a range of fonts but we decided on the 8th font as it is sharp but simple, this will straight away tell the audience that the film is going to be scaring or intense.

Chosen layout and font

In these screenshot there is evidence that we tried the title 'Cloudy Village Productions' In Photoshop but we didn't find any of the fonts interesting so we looked at the fonts in the premiere pro instead. From these fonts there were two particular fonts and two layouts that stood out to us called Bold Courier and Courier, these founts gave the title a that creepy appearance that we needed. We chose Courier as the size nicely fits on the footage and then the layout of the title was chosen to match the space of the ground in the footage. This was done to insure that the title looks like it is apart of the film and not just randomly placed there.


Chosen Layout and font

We decided to place the information titles in the bottom middle of the screen for each one to keep the pattern consistent. The reason for this is that we liked the position as it is out the way of the footage but still noticeable.When we put in all the name of each role and the actors and actresses we made sure that they were place in the same position but for each job, layed out in different areas on the screen.

Chosen layout and font for the jobs

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