Sunday 6 December 2015

Planning - Producing A Shot List

Shot List


From creating this shot list it will allow us to get all of the shots we need to when coming to film. The advantages of this is when we're out filming it will allows us to get all the shots we need and tick them off as we go a long.

Shot type
Establishing shot

High crane shot above the campsite.
Establishing shot

Moving towards the camp.
High angle shot
Picking up camera from floor.
Mid shot
Tim and Chad
Conversation between the 2 actors about the camera dropping.
Close up
Tim blowing and wiping the dirt of the camera
Panning shot
Tim, Chad, Billy and Jodie.
Panning around the group and people saying stop in a jokey manner.
High angle
Tim showing his shoes while walking.
Point of view
Tim, Chad, Billy and Jodie.
Time showing the camera around the campsite.
Close up
Tim zoomed into her face.
Close up
 Tim, Chad, Billy and Jodie.
Tim starting a fire and everyone else setting up the tents in the background.
 Close up

 Fire lit
 Close up
 Tim and Jodie
 Realizing that Chad has gone missing and having a conversation about going to look for him.
 Long shot
 Tim and Jodie
Camera pointing through the woods but occasionally at Jodie.
Long angle

 Starting getting darker and not sure whether to go back or not.
Long shot

 Of woods to show that they are still walking.
 High angle
 Tim and Jodie
 Both start panicking and run back to camp. See their shoes and blurry trees.
 Point of view
 Point of view shot through Tim’s eyes as he falls over.
 Point of view
 Slowing blinking and hearing Jodie loud high pitch voice but she isn’t in sight.
Long shot
 The girl in white (TGIW)
 TGIW starts getting closer to.
Close up
Getting closer
 Mid shot
TGIW and Tim
Looking over Tim
 Close up
TGIW and Tim
Hitting Tim until he is unconscious
 Panning shot
 Tim, Chad, Allison, Billy and Jodie.
 Panning shot of all the groups face when they are unconscious tied up along the tree.
 High angle
 Recording her feet walking up to them all tied to the tree.
 High angle
 Recording all her tools laid out on the bed.
 High angle             

 Hearing the girls screaming

Point of view
TGIW, Tim, Chad, Billy and Jodie.
Get interrupted
Point of view
Tim, Chad, Billy and Jodie.
Showing them all tied up to the trees
Point of view
Tim, Chad, Billy and Jodie.
TGIW speaks Latin to them
Mid shot

Panning around the room towards the tv
Mid shot

The news report on the tv showing the girl.

Saturday 5 December 2015

Planning - Considering Mise-en-Scene For Your Opening



Every single detail on this page will extremely help us organise what we need to buy or gather to make our film more professional and interesting. Most products we have but some will have to be brought and we would need to do some research on this to make sure we buy the best product.



Chad would wear a tight fitting white T-shirt to outline his muscles 
and dark blue jeans with fashionable trainers. He would carry a jacket or jumper and wear it occasionally. 

The reason for this choice in clothes is we think that it outlines his personality and shows that he is obsess with his appearance. 

White T-shirt

Dark blue jeans

Nike trainers

Grey jumper

  • Billy

Billy's clothes would be a big dull coloured jacket with baggy/lose dark blue jeans and some simple trainers.

The reason for this is that Billy's clothes need to be baggy and boring to make a chilled out look to represent his personality.

Big dull jacket

Baggy dark jeans


Basic trainers

  • Jodie

Jodie's clothes would be a checkered shirt, glasses, band T-shirt, black trousers, conserves or docs and long hippie necklaces.

We have chosen these clothes because it highlights that she is geeky, urban and chilled.


Checkered shirt


band T-shirt

Black trousers



Long hippie necklaces 

  • Tim

Tim would wear something smart but casual like beige trousers, camping boots, brown opened top and jumper.

The reason for these chose of clothes was to express Tim's personality of being a smart and kind lad.


Beige trousers 


Camping boots

brown open top


  • 'The girl in white'

The girl will be wearing a white vintage looking nightgown.

The reason for this is to highlight that she has ran away 
and that she is a scary little girl.

White nightgown







We need:
  • A pair of glasses
The reason we need glasses is for the character Jodie to make her vintage image stand out more.  

  • Torturing tools
We need these props as without them there wouldn't be any clear reason to what  'The girl in white' is going to do to the group of teenagers.


  • Wood
Wood is going to be used to make fire for one of the night time scenes.


  • Two tents
One tent is for Chad and Billy another tent is for Tim and Jodie. The tents makes the audience believe that there are camping and staying in the woods in the middle of nowhere. the second tent is incase the first tent break.


  • Ropes
The ropes will be used to tie up all the group to the trees to highlight that they have been kidnapped and about to be murdered and eaten by 'The girl in white'



  • Laptop
We need the laptop to connect to the TV to show the news clip that we would have made. Without this we wouldn't be able to show the news story.


  • Car/Van
When we go to film we would need a car or van to take us there and back from locations, if not then we wouldn't be able to get to our destination in one trip.


  • Two cameras
We might just need one camera but we will bring two just in case one of the cameras runs out of battery or we need to film one thing at to different angles at once.


  • Lighter
The lighter will be used to make the fire and without it we would struggle making the fire for the night time scene.


Friday 4 December 2015

Planning - Casting For Your Opening



The reason for making this page is to help me and my group decide who will be playing the characters in our film and why. This page will help us though-out the rest of our planning as it will help are decisions in mise-en-scene, shot list and treatment.

Their name: George                        
Characters name: Chad

Their age: 16                                  
Characters age: 18

Their personality:  George is a joker that stays to him self but talks to anyone when he wants.
Characters personality: The character Chad is annoying, rude and acts like a jock and a joker. He is the oldest of the group so he picks on people but says its a joker and doesn't notice he can hurt peoples feelings. 

Reason for picking George: We picked George to play Chad as he physically and mentally suits the character. We all know that George is confident and will do what we say in front of the camera.

This is a picture of George who is playing Chad.

 Their name: Alex                    
Characters name: Billy

Their age: 16                                    
Characters age: 17

Their personality: Alex is sometimes quite but also very confident and sometimes annoying. His look is a typical teenage boy with a bit of a chilled out vibe.
Characters personality: The characters personality is somewhat the same as Alex's as in the clothes he wears. The difference between them is that Billy is has a slow chilled out vibe to him and when he talks its either a joke or something rude. Billy and  Jodie are a couple and there relationship is a typical horror movie relationship as there personality and physical appearance is what you normal see in a horror movie or any movie.

Reason for picking Alex: The reason we picked Alex was that we all knew that he would suit the part because his looks matches the characters name and personality. Also half of his personality is the same as the character Billy we want him to play.

This is a picture of Alex who is playing Billy. 

Their name: Ophelia              
 Characters name: Jodie

Their age:  16                                  
Characters age:  16

Their personality: Ophelia is unique, loud and confident but also resembles the typical social media geek. She is kind and sometimes a bit strange but in a good way.
Characters personality: The characters personality is she is a quiet shy girl that looks cute as in she wears glasses and band T-shirts. Jodie is the youngest of the group and keeps herself excluded when she doesn't want to speak her mind. She has moments when she is confident and leads the group in certain situations which no body would expect.

Reason for picking: We picked Ophelia as she defiantly looks like Jodie's personality. We also picked her as she has a feel of acting from GCSE. As well Ophelia's unique confident side would match Jodie's confident part of her personality successfully.

This is a picture of Ophelia who is playing Jodie
Their name:  Ashley                  
Characters name:  Tim

Their age: 16                                
Characters age: 17

Their personality:   Ashley is a know it all who is confident but secretly shy. He looks like a cool geek who loves science and maths.                    
Characters personality: The character we want Ashley to play is gay, shy and smart. He wears very urban geek clothes that include boots, jumpers and bland tops.

Reason for picking Ashley: We chose Ashley as he has a shy, chilled side what he can put into the character. Ashley also does A level drama and did GCSE drama, so we know that he is not afraid to get in front of a camera and do what we say.

This is a picture of Ashley who is playing Tim.
Their name: Alice                      
Characters name: 'The girl in white'

Their age:  16                                  
Characters age: 12

Their personality: Alice is sweet, kind, cheerful and funny. She wears cute normal girly clothes but can act very boyish.                  
Characters personality: The character we want Alice to play hasn't really got a personality but she looks dull, dark and lifeless. The character walks slow but with a blank sad looking on her face.

Reason for picking Alice: The reason we picked Alice was because she is small and young looking so she would suit being a 12 year old. As well we wanted the girl to look scary but still cute and Alice's long dark brown/black hair and olive skin perfectly mirrors the girls image. 

This is a picture of Alice who is playing 'The girl in white.'