Thursday 22 October 2015

Research: Codes and Conventions Of Horror Films

How codes and conventions apply in media studies
Codes and conventions are used together in any study of genre – it is not enough to discuss a technical code used such as camera work, without saying how it is conventionally used in a genre.

For example, the technical code of lighting is used in some way in all film genres. It is a convention of the horror genre that side and back lighting is used to create mystery and suspense – an integral part of any horror movie.


Technical                                      Symbolic
.Lighting                                     .Mise-En-Scene
.Sound-Diegetic/Non diegetic
.Use of camera

What are codes?

Codes are systems of signs, which create meaning. Codes can be divided into two categories – technical and symbolic.

Technical codes are all the ways in which equipment is used to tell the story in a media text, for example the camera work in a film, the editing or the use of sound (diegetic and non-diegetic)

Symbolic codes show what is beneath the surface of what we see. Symbolic codes are usually seen through aspects of miss-en-scene. For example, a character's actions show you how the character is feeling, a character's costume can be decoded to help us understand what type of person they are, certain props have suggestions or connotations which can be de-coded by an audience, etc.

Some codes fit both categories – non-diegetic music for example, is both technical and symbolic.


Secluded location
Generally, horror movies enjoy placing their characters in a locale where there's no one around to help them i.e. the woods, a ghost town, a summer camp, a dormitory during off season, anything abandoned or a house in the middle of nowhere, anywhere that only includes the cast and no one else in sight can be used in a horror movie.

Characters Forget About Threat
.Many times there is danger, death, a curse, or worse and people know about it, but they conveniently place it out of their minds.
.It is almost always a negative thing in a movie. 'So, lots of campers have been disembowelled here?' 'Yeah, and they found somebody's head a few days ago and foot tracks leading to the cave nearby.' 'Oh, that's too bad. Who wants to play truth or dare?'

Power Is Cut
.At the scariest moment possible, the lights suddenly disappear. An ancient staple, probably leading back to a time before there was electricity.

Phone Lines Are Out
. The killers always take out the phones, even in their own home (Miser-1990) so that no one will attract the attention of any pesky policeman, concerned civic leaders, zombies killers, or vampire hunters. Almost all horror films where a phone can be seen will have the phone lines cut, It seems like a law for horror movies.
.In the recent age of cellular phones, things have changed- the mobile phone is damaged, a phones battery has run out, someone goes somewhere where there is no service, or the phone disappears

Someone Investigates A Strange Noise
This is one of the most unbelievable, yet most overused horror movie convention. Still
image that all of your friends have been horrifically murder by a unseen killer. You hear a loud or strange noise coming from a dark room or escaping from the depths of the woods. would you go ALONE,UNARMED AND WEAK to investigate and probably end up with your guts on the end of their knife. No? I wouldn't either but it seems that every horror character does or gets half way, trips up and the murder magical appears and brutally kills them.

Someone Runs Upstairs Instead Of Outside
You will frequently see potential victims running past open doors to the outside world (and safety) in a desperate attempt to get upstairs where they can lock themselves in a 'safe' place where the murder some how breaks in, appears with out breaking in or is all ready in the room even thought they were chasing the victim upstairs.

Victim Cowers In Front Of  A Window Or Door
.An old , easy scare in 'Slashers' is to have someone hiding from, the killer against a door/wall/window only to have the killers hand break through the hiding spot and grab them.
.The victim looks out the window, sees nothing and when they turn away the killer jumps thought or as soon as they look out the window or thought a crack in the door the killer somehow pops up at the exact time. This time of convention can be very effective but usually its not.

Victim Inexplicably Falls Over
Why? Just why. When ever there is a murder chasing them the victim always seems to fall over the smallest object to find them self's crying and abandoned by friends to be greeted by death.

Vehicle Won't Start
This can happen to any vehicle, from snowmobiles to motorcycles to spaceships to the chain falling odd a bicycle. But this seems to only happen when the murder is right behind them but when they enter there location is works perfectly fine with no signs of it breaking down later on. This is a classic scare then normal appears near the end of the film or in the middle, depends on the killers mood.

The Fake Scare
A fake scare is one of the oldest and most over used conventions in horror films. They can take on any shape and size, but in general, any scare in a  film that is not connected to the threat ( A friend jumps out, a door slams, someone looks into a mirror, someone new enters the room unnoticed, the phone rings, someone bumps into a department store mannequin, a bell rings, something falls, Someone is tapped on the shoulder or grabbed, a policeman knocks on the car window or door, a balloon pops, a bird files out of the tries or window or closet , something falls out of the closest that made a noise earlier on, a car alarm going off, someone cell phone rings, music turns on, the tv turns off or on, anything turns on or off unexpectedly and so on.) is a fake on. They are easy to do and can be very effective or completely stupid.

Warning Goes Unheeded
.It is human nature to go where one is told not to go and do what one is advised against. This can be achieved in  many ways: someone has a dream that something nasty will befall all who go on that ski-trip ( yet they go no matter what), there is a rumoured curse regarding a discovered object( and they take it anyway), there is a sign which clearly states: 'PORTAL TO HELL NEARBY,NO SKINNY-DIPPING' (they ignore it and do what it says not to do ),ect.

Someone Is Killed In The First 5 Minutes
This is a handy convention as it helps the audience understand what the story line will be about quicker. This scare is normally in 'Slashers' but can appear in some paranormal films. Jaws, House, Halloween and Scream used this convention very effectively.

X Years Before/Later
This convention either indicates a prologue, setting up the events that happened before out story (such as the first couple minutes of Halloween or The Descent), or a film where we see the latter effects of an incident (Like I Know What You Did Last Summer), or an extensive flashback used to explain things (why the boarding house is haunted, why Jimmy is in the mental institution, why Carrie cant remember her parents, what lurks in the crawlspace under the house etc.,). A lot of 5 years later or 2 weeks will be superimposed on the screen.

The Stormy Night
Since the days of Victorian Horror, and even before, this has been one of the genre's most overused clichés. It may stem from he fact most people have a childhood fear of thunder. or that lighting and rain can create a horrific atmosphere.

The Short Cut
Most horror character take the short cut thinking that it will lead them to a happy, beautiful place but instead it leads them to hell. Normally the killer is waiting at the end of the road but if the killer isn't then the characters most likely get stuck in mud or water , or find a abandoned building to investigate what leads to all the other conventions to occur.

What are conventions?
Conventions are the generally accepted ways of doing something. There are general conventions in any medium, such as the use of interviewee quotes in a print article, but they are also genre specific.

Friday 9 October 2015

Preliminary Task

Discribe the set brief fro the Preliminary Task. What was it you were asked to create? Use the correct media specific vocabulary and show that you understand the meaning of these terms. 

The set brief given to us for the Preliminary Task, was to produce a short film involving a character opening a door, entering the room and exchanging a few lines of dialogue with another character. This Continuity Task has to include match on action, 180-degree rule and shot/Reverse shot. When we were handed this task,
we firstly researched the unfamiliar terms to find out what they mean:

.Match on action: An editing technique to portray continuity

.180-degree rule: When filming takes place on the same side (On the same 180-degree angle) in order to maintain a conversation and to give the audience a sense of direction.

. Shot/Reverse shot:When number 1 character is shown looking at number 2 character and then the number 2 character is shown looking back at number 1 character. This term is usefully used when a conversation/discussion is taking place.

Evaluate everything you did leading up to the point when you started filming (Pre Production). Discuss how this process helped to prepare you for filming. 

In order to develop our knowledge regarding the filming process, as a group we researched and explored a variety of camera shots, camera angles and camera movements. This led to us experimenting with different shots and posting them onto our blogs which was helpful as now we always have something to refer back to. We also examined the effects of the camera shots, for instance, a low angle show makes the character within the frame appear intimidating whereas on the other hand, a high angle shot makes the character look weak and vulnerable. Additionally, the research advanced us to look at short films to see how the shots were usually ordered. The majority of the time the clips started with an Establishing shot, to give the audience a sense of location, and then the shots would get closer to the character, for example: a Long shot, a Mid shot, a Close up and then an Extreme close up.

As a group we then began to generate initial ideas relating to out Preliminary Task, taking into account Verisimilitude and Practicalness. In the end we decided on the scenario of 'An unidentified figure opens a door and walks into a dim lit room with a young female tied up in the decaying corner. The figure then proceeds towards the girl and rips the duct tape from her mouth. Conversation continues and the girl, at the end, finds out who her kidnapper is'. We then created a storyboard in order to present each of the 12 shots. This allowed us to visualise what the final product would look like; we had to focus on what kind of camera Shot/Angle/Movement would be used, what characters would be in the scene and what sounds would be generated- This prepared us for the filming process as we had a kind of check list to follow.

Concerning Mise-En-Scene, we planned the locations that were needed for our Preliminary Task and the casting as well. We wanted our location to also relate to our plot so we chose to film within the abandoned bases at Grafton Underwood as the buildings are rather eerie and creepy. However, before we finalised this decision I went to the location and took multiple photographs of the different sections we planned to film in to ensure that they were suitable. When it came to deciding the actors to play the characters, we wanted to make sure that they were some way decent at acting so we limited it to people who did Drama at GCSE level. Eventually we chose Myself (Mea Fenwick) to take ride of the unidentified figure and leah Mitchell to act as Emily-more reasons for this can be found on my blog.

Next we focused on editing, specifically editing with Adobe Premier Pro as this was the programme that we eventually created are Preliminary Task in. This was crucial for me as i have never edited before and i learnt a lot of important, basic skills that would support me thought post-production. It also allowed me to picture the final product clearer as i had a greater understanding on how the whole process worked. The last thing we did before filming, was make a filming schedule; it made sure that our group was organised, we had everything that we needed and made sure we all took our safety into consideration.

Describe the filing process itself (production). How did this go? 

Due to our thorough planning in Pre-Production, the process of filming went great. We record each scene multiple of times incase there were any flaws in previous clips and we also ensured that all dialogue was clear. Our group also filmed each shot longer that necessary so that when we edited them separately, we could make sure our clips had continuity from one to the other.

There was a few complications regarding lighting; as we filmed, the shadows and light would constantly be changing as we were using the sun as a light source instead of a source that we could control- for our main task i won't completely rely on natural sources to light the scene as we could use light boxes instead. Also, we discovered that the lighting was to dim when we were trying to film the close up of the figures hand on the door handle - in order to solve this problem. we got a torch and directed it at the handle to give the shot some light.

Explain the editing stage fro your Preliminary Task (Post-prodcution). This should include how you applied new skills you have learnt. 

I use Adobe Premier Pro to edit our Preliminary Task. During the editing proceed, I wanted to add in elements of eeriness in order to make sure the audience feels uncomfortable when watching. To establish this goal I never revealed to true full face of the kidnapper, I put in manipulated time ( like when the figure walks across the field)- this convention makes the audience capture within the film. To accomplish this effect I  applied the new skills that I learnt whilst editing; Hot to edit the clips using the razor tool, hot to import clips and how to navigate through Adobes timeline. I decided to leave a blank screen for about 8 seconds at the end and added a repeat of the girl screaming 'what do you what'. This expresses how the girl is trapped and to leave the Preliminary Task with a cliffhanger.

After i was happy with the sequence and editing of my clips, I added in music to also help create a nerve-racking atmosphere. I accomplished this by gradually adding the sound tack in at the start of the film and then allowing the track to slowly come to its end after the repeat of the girls voice. i didn't editing out any background noise as i felt the noise helped to make the audiences believe that the kidnapping is real.

Evaluate your finished Preliminary Task. How well does it meet the expectations of your set brief?Which parts of it do you think are particularly strong? Where are there weaknesses? What can you identify as being an area for development when it comes to producing your main task?

Overall I am extremely happy with out Preliminary Task as it meets all the requirements of the set brief. I believe that our use of camera shots as quite strong as we used a diverse range of them, for example: a birds eye vies shot made the clips rather edgy as audiences don't usually view things from his angle- it adds a new aspect to the viewing. I think we also did well regarding the continuity of our Preliminary Task because it runs smoothly and strong. On the other hand, I think that our Match on Action isn't always perfect as sometimes the things within the shot changes, for instance, throughout the filming whilst Leah was in the worn out chair, the ropes became loose and gradually fell down. Music plays a vital point in my version of our Preliminary task as it create a bold tension, which I am please with, as it make my short film more dramatic.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Learning To Edit With Adobe Premiere Pro

'Knock Knock'

What i have learnt from using Adobe Premiere Pro:
.How to drag and drop folders into an area on the page
.How to add music to videos
.How to edit clips together to make a complete video
.Using window to lay out the design page correctly
.Render a video
.upload a video to youtube then to my blog
.To use the razor shape tool to cut video clips to connect together better
.To extend or shorten a picture or clip
.To change the sound of the audio
.How to add effects to change the tone of a video or make it more interesting